Laser Stretch Mark
& Acne Scar Removal
Say goodbye to acne scars
With our innovative laser technology, you can quickly and safely leave those scars behind. Even better, there’s little to no downtime so you have the smoother skin you want in just a few treatments.
Simple procedure with minimal discomfort
Quick, non-invasive treatment sessions
Excellent results
Remove stretch marks and reveal smoother skin
When skin has been stretched too far or too fast – such as during puberty, pregnancy or due to weight fluctuations – these lines appear. Laser stretch mark treatments can diminish the look of stretch marks in just a few quick treatment sessions.
Quick treatments with minimal discomfort
No downtime
Smoother, better looking skin without surgery
Diminish unwanted surgical scars
Laser treatments use powerful technology to reduce the look of scars without harming surrounding skin. In just a few easy treatment sessions, your surgery scars are much less visible, leaving behind smoother, more attractive skin.
Simple procedure with minimal discomfort
Quick, non-invasive treatment sessions
Excellent results
How it works?
Advanced laser technology is used to target the unwanted areas within your skin. The energy delivered causes them to slowly disappear through your body’s natural healing process revealing clear, more beautiful-looking skin.
When the skin has been stretched too far or too fast – such as during puberty, pregnancy or weight fluctuations – these unsightly lines appear.
The benefits of laser stretch mark removal are clear:
Smoother, better looking skin without surgery
No downtime
Comfortable treatment sessions
Only laser technology FDA-cleared to treat stretch marks
What type of result can I expect?
Expect to see an improvement in both the tone and texture of your stretch marks.
How long does the treatment take?
The treatment can be performed in as little as 30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area.
When can I resume my daily activities?
Typically you may resume your daily activities immediately following the treatment session.
How many treatments will I need?
Most people need four to eight treatment sessions for desired results.
What can I expect following the treatment?
You may experience a temporary redness and swelling of the stretch marks which could last a few days.